One last cookie, for a dying man - Joke

Comment by Anonymous user 12 years ago
Hawu madoda, angaze azihambele elambile umuntu wabantu. Ngiyacabanga ikhona eyinye indoda eyayihleli ku standby already! Read Full Discussion
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One last cookie, for a dying man - Joke

12 years ago | 10666 Views
A very ill, elderly man was lying in bed when suddenly, he smelled his favorite chocolate-chip cookies.

The old man wanted one last cookie before he died. He fell out of bed, crawled to the landing, rolled down the stairs and crept into the kitchen, where his wife was busy at the oven.

Mustering every last ounce of his strength, the dying man lifted his withered arm to the cookie sheet.

As he grasped a warm, moist, chocolate-chip cookie, his wife suddenly whacked his hand with the spatula.

"Why?" he whispered. "Why did you do that?"

"They're for the funeral" she replied.
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Tags: Jokes


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Anonymous user 12 years
Hawu madoda, angaze azihambele elambile umuntu wabantu. Ngiyacabanga ikhona eyinye indoda eyayihleli ku standby already!
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