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Did Prophet TB Joshua really tell Tsvangirai that he will never rule Zimbabwe?

11 years ago | 136465 Views
What has just happened here in Zim reminds me of this article below stating that MDC-T leader will never rule Zimbabwe:

WHILE nothing has been mentioned on the outcome of MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai's highly publicised visit to Nigerian televangelist Temitope Balogun Joshua (Prophet TB Joshua), it has emerged that the Zimbabwe Prime Minister  was told by TB Joshua that he would not rule the country, The Patriot has exclusively revealed.

Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai went to TB Joshua's Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN) and arrived in Nigeria, Lagos on 1 September 2010 amid much hype but the excitement cooled off when he came back from Nigeria. He reportedly went to Nigeria at the instigation of his 'ex-wife' Locadia Karimatsenga Tembo, who is believed to attend TB Joshua's church with his first daughter Vimbai. Tsvangirai claimed his visit was private at the time.

Since the visit, PM Tsvangirai and his MDC-T party have remained tight-lipped on what transpired during his visit. Even the MDC-T website, which first published the story of Tsvangirai's trip to TB Joshua did not provide any details of their party leader's visit to Nigeria when he returned. However, The Patriot claims that TB Joshua told Tsvangirai that he would not rule the country.

Stung by TB Joshua's prophesy, the sources said, Tsvangirai went on a whirlwind countrywide tour consulting prophets and traditional healers on his chances of becoming Zimbabwe's President, but was also told that he will never rule the country.

"It is true that Tsvangirai was told by the man of God (TB Joshua) that he would never rule this country. You will remember that before he went to Nigeria there was much hype, but it died (sic) when he came back. Tsvangirai never anticipated hearing such disheartening news and he did not buy TB Joshua's word so he went to maporofita nen'anga throughout the country, but they all told him that he would not rule this country," said one of the sources.

Tsvangirai also reportedly visited a traditional healer in Mhondoro and was told that he had no chance of ruling the country. He was reportedly told the same thing by another traditional healer who resides in Mabvuku. Apostolic Africa Church leader, Prophet Paul Mwazha snubbed him all together.

Tsvangirai reportedly had a strained relationship with his father Dzingirai-Chibwe. It is said the old man cursed him after Morgan had taken sides with his mother when the old man took on a second wife. Dzingirai is reported to have promised Morgan nothing he wishes for will ever come true.

Tsvangirai is believed to be suffering from spinal cancer. The indication was his emotional plea to pastors and top party cadres at his 60th birthday party at Great Zimbabwe Hotel to pray for him that he could become the country's next president.

"I plead with you pastors to pray for me so that I won't die before I become the executive President of this country. This is the beginning of my end," said Tsvangirai.

Could Tsvangirai's desperation for spiritual healing be confirmation of his terminal illness?  Or is it because he simply realises he does not have the capacity to remove President Robert Mugabe from power through the ballot? Only time will tell. Patriot

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Tags: Tsvangirai


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Anonymous user 11 years
This is bullshit..
Anonymous user 11 years
It will come to pass
Anonymous user 11 years
zimbabweans do not go to work on monday,on tuesday we are all going into the streets to hold a peaceful demonstration against the theft of our votes you shall be notified in due course of the meeting places,but here in bulawayo some of the centres are white city,cowdray park terminus,dsquare,nketha 9 shops,tshabalala vulindlela,whitehouse nkulumane 12,magwegwe north terminus,pumula south shops,mzilikazi,makokoba rank,queens park.more to follow on harare and other will be a peaceful protest.
Anonymous user 11 years
Anonymous user 11 years
if Mr morgan wants 2 b de president he mus take his family & demonstrate ,leave zimbabweans they have voiced their opinion,ufuna ukufakwa ngubani ku power, othe uMugabe asimfuni ngubani
Anonymous user 11 years
Anonymous user I believe this, not a tactical leader!
Anonymous user 11 years
a man who calls for sunctions to his own people, I mean who does that ?
Anonymous user 11 years
zimbabwe electorate is not based on internet and fb. its based on groundwork. thats where all the chinos of this world do their work. thats what mdc didnt do. revise your party structures and outreach programs.
Anonymous user 11 years
hapana 'fire' isinga kwichidzirwe. never saw mdc-t pple knock at my door to solicit votes like other parties or independents. eg ini handizivi kuti ward redu ne branch redu rinonzi chii for mdc. e zanu takaanzwa nevanhu vaitenderera. vanhu vanoda kugara vachiyeuchidzwa. year in year out zanu pf yanga ichingotaura kuti vakomana gore rino kune election and they have been poised for one consistently, they kept drumming about it. even anderson on cnn indicated that mdc had no teeth anymore,had lost both popularity and credibility. he indicated that many people are fed up with tsvangirai leadership, his private life and finances which continue to hit the headlines and he told tsvangirai all this. thats why british analyst predicted b4 election that mugabe would win. in short the day was carried by the man with better strategies experience, chikoro and 'antingochan'. iye tsvangirai sei asiri kuzvara vana vake ne varume? mdc yakakotsira and worked on a big assumption of a no longer existent electorate which had crossed the floor for various reasons including imposition of candidates and poor philosophy. unfortunately for mdc the next 2 elections go to zanu pf, again wotomboita appease mdhara wako akataura kuti hapana chaunoda chichaita. tb joshua aitorevesa ipopaya. saka vanhu vasafire munhu ane malimitations e family yake vachiita ma protest asina outcome. muchenjere. ziva zvesadza rako kumba kwako.
Anonymous user 11 years
ki ki ki ki lets not forget there is a great leader who is Yaweh, we can insult one another, pass on bad comments but u know what God knows why we are going through all this. Its high time we look up to him instead of looking up to men
Anonymous user 11 years
i also told him that he will never ever rule that country whatsoever
Anonymous user 11 years
What kind of leads is that of Mdc-t
Anonymous user 11 years
It is a real shame when a man's sole and burning desire is power. This fellow, twangirai, has never had love for Zimbabwe and its people. He is an empty vessel driven by those who maniulate him. It is very clear that he is dying to deliver Zimbabwe on a silver platter to his funders rather that see the realization of the marjority's wishes. This is democracy, the people have spoken, it is high time the fellow sees the clear cut path and bids farewel to politics and waltz off into the sunset somewhere. It is a sad thing to see this display of absolute lack of integrity by one. Bye bye boy!!!
Anonymous user 11 years
mandebele muri mabharanzi evanhu . zvimbwasungata zvevanhu . manje mama nechinja yenyu. ko inga zvamaiti muchaisa bhora mudondo inga zanu pf takawinner wani. tichakupamhai zvataka kuita
Anonymous user 11 years
iwe unotaura zvestrike uri aniko. striker nemukadzi wako mubhedhuru rako rehuswa. haunakukwana iwe. tichauyako ku blawayo kuzokumamisai imi zvimbasungata zvingazivi zvazviri.
Anonymous user 11 years
If u think mat'land is all Ndebele then you are wrong - mat'land has all tribes - u will be shocked there might be more Shonas than Ndebeles in mat'land - Dnt ref to anyone who leaves in mat'land as ndebele - this is directed to u who said (mandebele muri mabharanzi evanhu)
Anonymous user 11 years
true . even t b Joshua later denied claims made by baba jukwa on the foresight of the outcome of the poll results and tb Joshua said time will prove him wrong of which it did happen
Anonymous user 11 years
Do not waste time on Morgan. Apera uyu. Inonzi ZANU! Ko kuti Mugabe ndokuti Zimbabwe ka.
Anonymous user 11 years
you are a fool Tsvangirai, it obvious you will never rule. sTEP DOWN from MDC
Anonymous user 11 years
Kana zvirizvechokwadi kuti TB JOSHUA akamuporofita kuti he will never rule ZIM iye akaita nharo shame on him.dai akatoisa mumwe iye akatora chigaro chemumashure,zvairatidza kuti haana nharo naMWARI.manje achazvidemba ndaimuda but kana akaramba chiporofita akaita bulshit
Anonymous user 11 years
It's high time dat tsvangi resigns & gives the presidency 2 sum1 chosen by the party supporters.he has down his best.I believe Tendai Biti & others wud do well considering dat Hounarable Tsvangi is dat educated.
Anonymous user 11 years
Desparation! Sori - o
Anonymous user 11 years
Desparation! Sori - o
Anonymous user 11 years
let him our God is a God of purpose .let him pray for up ward calling
Anonymous user 11 years
Morgan mwanangu vakdzi ndichakupa vakawanda asi Nyika yeZimba ramahwe haufi wakatonga
Anonymous user 11 years
We should all advise him to step down
Anonymous user 11 years
What God speaks pass
Anonymous user 11 years
Kana uchihura sa tsvangson, uchituka vakuru sezvaanoita va mugabe, kana kuvimbisa madzishe kuvashungurudza, mapurisa onzi vana ndinindamubata, journalists vonzi vachazviona kana akatonga,hanzi ngochani ndinodzida,pedzezvo oti mwari ndibatsireiwo, anoti mwari vanochiva mari ye ma british saiye here. Mwari vanoda hutsvene kumunhu kuti minamato idavirwe. Changosara kuvhura zip akananga kuna lindiwe zulu kana kunyatsoratidza theresa makone hu bhuru hwake orega kuzokanganwa the striping zvambila. The schedule is quite a tight one.
Anonymous user 11 years
accept destiny if you have no vision
Anonymous user 11 years
Ha ha ha ha ha!
Anonymous user 11 years
as the man of god have just said,it is true t.b.joshua will/would not lie"tshivangarai will never be president"
Anonymous user 11 years
all these ar bulshit
Anonymous user 11 years
i like wizkid music he is a gud star
Anonymous user 10 years
vhele tsvangirai never rule zimbabwe bcz he is a cruck
Anonymous user 9 years
who cares anyway
Anonymous user 9 years
who cares anyway
Anonymous user 9 years
Chematama uri horo yemunhu haufungi unotonga ani iwe dhodhiwe putseki enda kumusha unochera mbambaira haurumi ulamanga
Anonymous user 9 years
Anonymous user 8 years
Remember the Prophets are not God anotsungirira anowana mubairo only the God of Israel knows
Anonymous user 8 years
Aaa vakomana musadaro ndandisinakumboiona mufunge,ngaachingo hodha magumbeze ne kingsley achinotengesa kurusapeuko pamwe zvingamufambira
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