Soldiers beat up civilians - on whose order?

Comment by Anonymous user 11 years ago
This bullcrap must come to an end,anyone on their senses can see that has failed drastically,its time to wise up Zimbabwe,let's not vote for these selfish idiots again... Read Full Discussion
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Soldiers beat up civilians - on whose order?

11 years ago | 12776 Views
While Morgan Tsvangirai and Welshman Ncube where busy flooring Zanu-PF with erudite legal submissions in Maputo yesterday - fighting for me and you - little did we know, soldiers were busy beating up innocent people in Nyamhunga Stadium, Kariba, for supporting the wrong party I presume.

I thought the army's purpose of existence is to protect civilians.

A lot happened yesterday while the man from Vungu (Ncube) "fought like a lion" alongside "the godfather MT (Tsvangirai)" who according to Biti spoke "like a statesman" while SADC listened.

In Midlands, Kwekwe, at the 5-2 Infantry Battalion, army boss General Constantine Chiwenga urged uniformed forces "to go and vote wisely", not for MDC of course.

Remember, soldiers follow orders -

Will there ever be a free and fair election if the army has already been ordered to vote "wisely"?
3 myAfroTube
Tags: Tsvangirai,Army


Comment as Anonymous Submit
Anonymous user 11 years
This bullcrap must come to an end,anyone on their senses can see that has failed drastically,its time to wise up Zimbabwe,let's not vote for these selfish idiots again...
Anonymous user 11 years
once an idiot always an idiot= zanu pf
Anonymous user 11 years
Well said and written , the ZRP and the ZNA need to be completely changed from head to toe .these are merely paid louts with allegiance to who pays and feeds them. we need people who are for the people
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